Saturday, November 24, 2007

Collection of donations.

As the agents set out to pickup the much needed donations for the food drive, we were so pleasantly surprised! As bag after bag came marching into our training room, the generosity of our community was slowly unfolding. By days end, our room was packed with very little walking room. Food Lion bags covered every surface, chair and existing floor space. The Salvation Army was called in as well as Channel 12 news to cover the awesome story. Through the generous donations of our community, we were able to pack a large truck full of well over 700 bags of non-perishable food. We are so blessed to live in a community where caring people give of themselves and are willing to help those less fortunate.


Joe Brant said...

Great Job Gina!!!
You did a marvelous job in the short amount of time given to get the food drive organized. The Salvation Army asked and Keller Williams and the generous population of New Bern responded in good form. Mark your calendar for next year, so we can be prepared ahead of time. Filling two or three trucks is quite possible, let's go for it!

Unknown said...

congratulations on a job well done! I was amazed at the amount of food collected. All the effort really paid off...imagine what we could do if we went to EVERY neighborhood in New Bern!

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